
Robots for the Elderly

Members: Atharva Pusalkar, Abhinav Gupta, Praveen Venkatesh, Shivam Tripathy, Shaolin Kataria

Auxilio Robotics is developing human-friendly, assistive robots that cater to patients in senior-living facilities and healthcare environments, in order to meet the growing concerns of labor shortage. The elder populous tends to sway away from the idea of “help” as it is a sign of old-age and dependence. A robot is something that serves them independence without having the need to rely on another human.

In this project, I was involved with almost every aspect of building the robot: a) Human Robot Interaction, b) Perception, planning, and control for robotic manipulation, c) System integration and software architecture.

It was a really complex project with several moving parts needing to work consistently and reliably through mutually interacting components.

We are a team of 5 from Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute hoping in to usher in an era of new-age health tech! We got an awesome press release here: